"And then tonight happened. Tonight we were serving a meal and a sermon to the people at the Gastonia Street Ministries. We've been going the 2nd Thursday of each month for the last couple of years. We've nearly got it down to an art! I don't want to say 'routine' - but it sort of just works out that way now. Tonight was all together different though. We got a phone call during the meal service about an emergency back at the home of one of our team members. And suddenly that little "Gang of Doers" sprang into action to rally around our Christian sister in her time of need. By the time we rounded the corner of her street in our neighborhood, the road was lined with fire trucks and Tuckaseege bumper stickers. The scene was bad. It was. But the first thing I spotted amid the flashing lights and chaos was love. As a verb, love was spilling out all over the street in front of her home. Before the first responders had even taken off their jackets - my church had my sweet friend taken care of. All of our pastors were there - 2 of them even in super hero shirts (because they just both happened to be wearing super hero shirts today - it's how they roll). Sunday school teachers, one of the firemen was a life-grouper, ex-veterinary technicians to take care of a pet bird, sisters from our prison ministry, our church brother Stephen Stephens (yes, that's really his name) who is just known for giving the BEST HUGS! Within minutes she and her kids and her dog had a place to stay, new pajamas, any toothbrush, shampoo type thing they might need, breakfast lined up for morning and a solid plan to take care of that family for the next coming days. Weeks, even. As long as she needs help - the church is already planning to be there. The Bible tells us that where ever two or more are gathered in Jesus name - the Holy Spirit is there as well. He was there tonight - I felt Him. Even in the face of this disaster - God was there. And so was half the church and the entire Mt. Holly fire department - who saved the lives of two of her pets and saved her home from total destruction."
Our beloved church came together that night and helped my friend. It was a scary time for her and the kids as sudden homelessness has a way of causing worry. But overall I believe she rested in the fact that God dispatched His people to her side in her time of need. I loved my church already - but I fell madly in love that night - watching them join up to practice "Love in Action", just like the tee-shirts say.
So fast forward to today. The house has been completely restored - even upgraded in spots and it's beautiful! There's no sign of fire anywhere, fresh, bright paint on the walls, new floors, doors and cabinets, The insurance company took good care of her, the restoration company did a fantastic job and it was exciting to see the house, sparkly clean and new!! Today was moving day! And just like 6 months ago when many people from the church showed up - there they were again today.
Many of the same people from the night of the fire promising to help her where ever they could help - saw it through to the end of this ordeal. There were so many people who showed up to help that we were able to do a "fireman's brigade line", just handing stuff to the person standing beside us from the truck all the way into the back of the house! It was amazing to see these people still loving on her - long after the immediate crisis had ceased. And just like last time - God showed Himself in the details of the day, Love poured out onto Hill Street again and the road was lined with Tuckaseege Bumper Stickers.
1 John 3:18 says, "Dear Children, Let us not love with words or speech but in actions and in truth".We say that all the time - "Love in Action"!! But what does it mean? You can be a nice person and help somebody move some furniture or paint a room or babysit some children or cook someone a meal or buy a coffee for the guy behind you in a line. But without LOVE it is just a nice gesture. Likewise - if someone needs something and you, Christian reader, say "God Bless You! I love ya and I'll be praying" but don't offer any practical help then you're not really loving the way you've been called to love (remember - "your neighbor as yourself?!"). Love in Action - Showing love BY your actions. And you love others because you're loved by the One who is Love.
Again, I want to thank my sweet church. It does my heart happy to be a part of such an amazing group of 'doers'. If you ever need me - all you have to do is ask!