A couple of years ago a few of my church friends and I put together a little Christmas music set to lead the worship at the Gastonia Street Ministry. One of the songs was "Mary, Did You Know?". While working through an arrangement someone said out loud what we all were likely thinking ... "That's sort of a dumb question". She DID know - because an angel came to her ahead of time and told her that she would be giving birth to the Son of God. She knew he was going to be something special, at least.
Much credit to the writer of the song though, it conjures up beautiful imagery of mother and child. The Savior of the world really was a cooing, precious infant cradled peacefully in his mother's arms. Mary held his hands, looked at his sweet little toes, her hair fell across his face as she kissed the top of his head. It's the stuff that "regular" moms do. The song has a way of putting us mothers in Mary's shoes for a moment. Our bodies just pulled off a miracle and we were exhausted from the pain and physicality of labor. But then we looked into the face of the most precious thing we had ever seen - and then we checked for all their fingers and toes.
Mary knew her baby Jesus was indeed the Son of God - but she might not have known exactly what that meant. I'm not sure she would have wanted to know His particular future. Would you as a mom want to know that your son - as good a kid as he was - was going to grow up to be slain by criminals to take the punishment for the crimes of others? Even though Jesus was on a mission to save the world - it had to be hard as His mother not to shield Him from harm - to hold her sweet baby tighter, maybe run off somewhere with Him and let someone else do that job. I can tell you as a mom myself - I would throw myself in front of a bus to protect my son. I'm sure most of you moms would say the same thing. Mary knew. She knew when her boy woke up every single morning - that the day could be his last. Jesus came to save the world - and Mary answered the call to be his mom. She had to let go of him. She let go of his perfect hands knowing He would be a sacrifice for all mankind. I cannot imagine. She was a better mom than me.
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends ~ John 15:13
December 13, 1994 Mark and Debbie Herndon welcomed their sweet baby into the world. They named him Tyler. I wonder if, while checking for all of his fingers and toes, she had any idea that her baby boy would grow up to answer a call not all would hear. Did she know that her baby boy would one day become a police officer? Did she ever know what her son would mean to the small community he worked for? Did she know that one day he would run into the face of danger, protecting those he vowed to serve? When she kissed her little baby she kissed the face of a hero.Unlike Mary - she wasn't given any forehand knowledge. Like the rest of us moms - she just wanted the very best for her baby. She nurtured him, mothered him, protected him from harm, did the best she knew how to and ultimately raised a fine young man. I didn't know her son, and I don't know the family. I can only assume she was so proud - and justifiably worried at the same time when her son grew up and became a police officer. There are inherent dangers that come with the job. He knew the dangers - and I'm sure she did too. But she let him go - and by doing so we could all sleep a little safer at night. We as a community were all in good hands - the hands of her baby who had all of his sweet little fingers on that first day 26 years ago. She let go of his hands - knowing what that meant - that her son was working for us all.
Did she know when her son woke up on December 10, 2020 that he had slumbered for the last time? Did she know his last words to her would be a memory held in her heart forever? Did she know that her baby boy would die in the line of duty, again protecting the little town of Mount Holly by laying down his life? She knew it was a possibility - it's the nature of the job - but she let his perfect little hands go into the night for the last time. She knew it was his calling, she knew it was for the betterment of our town, for his team, for us all. In a night full of bad guys - we needed a good guy. As much as her son answered the call to protect and serve - she answered the call to be his mom. Her sacrifice was a tremendous one - and I, as a mother myself, am so grateful.
Rest in Peace, Officer Tyler Herndon. And to his precious family, may the Peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ.