Thursday, April 2, 2009

Yesterday a friend of mine suggested I come to and start a blog. I said "Ok, I'll do that". I saw my friend earlier today who had placed me on his 'list' - his 'bad-list' for not coming in here right after we spoke yesterday and starting a blog. I had no idea he meant go and do it RIGHT NOW. And so, in order to get off the 'bad-list' of my friend Kevin, here I am! Officially I've started my very own blog! I'm happy to be here!

Let me introduce myself (and bear with me, I'm new here) name's Jonna Bingham and I'm a single mom to a rambunctious, full of life, very talkative, smart, beautiful 5, almost 6 year old handful of a boy. And I love him very much. Before you go, "Oh Great! Another blog about someones kid should be exciting!" here me out. We're special! Seriously. Wait, I mean it! Well, ok. Maybe not special but at least interesting. Or at least I've been told.

I used to listen to a guy on talk radio who would continuously dismiss single moms as careless women who just ran around having babies at leisure, living off the government and producers of the next generation of street thugs and criminals. If some kid got into some random trouble and made the news this talk show host would not fail to mention; "Oh, and his father wasn't around" or "and I'll bet his mother doesn't even know who his father is". This radio guy would make me so mad when he would generalize single moms as some sort of thoughtless tramps with no control of their destined for failure offspring! Every time he had some topic related to single parenting he couldn't help himself but say the hurtful and mostly wrong things he believed. Likewise, I couldn't stop myself from firing off angry emails to him. He never responded to my complaints and I didn't expect him to. But I felt better when at least I voiced that not all single moms are 'bad'. In fact, as far as I'm concerned, I think you'll be hard pressed to find a harder working, sacrificing and dedicated woman than a single mom. Not just me - but the other moms I know who are going it alone. I interviewed for a job about a year ago with a man who, after asking me all about my son, my daycare, my living arrangements, etc, said to me, and I quote, "You're what we're looking for but single moms just come with so much baggage". I left from that interview painfully aware of the perception of a single mom and even more steadfast in my determination to make it.

I never intended to be a single mom - well who does, really? I did it in the (traditionally) right order - dated, marriage, career (that's a stretch) then pregnancy. We didn't 'plan' to be pregnant but we were none the less thrilled about our little blessing. The baby came and all was fairly well and then - without warning - BLAM! A big wrench in the spokes! The wheels came off the marriage and by baby's first birthday it was all over but the crying. We separated and I was left to it. Raising a baby boy on my own - I don't believe I even missed a beat. I sold a house, went back to work, found a church daycare, found a home to rent, moved in and started a new chapter in mine and Matt's life! And I'm fine! Matthew and I are doing great and if my radio friend could see us he'd swear there's a man stashed around here somewhere helping me! It might not be the ideal situation but it's ok and I feel sure that my son will not grow up to make America's Most Wanted.

Today I had a parent/teacher conference and thankfully Matthew's not the worst in his class! In fact, I'm happy to report that academically he's ahead of the game! He talks too much according to his teacher and he wants to be the center of attention. I understand that - I too feel like the world spins right around me. And his dad talks for a living. He is a complete and equally balanced mixture of the ex-hub and myself which if handled properly could very well grow up and be something spectacular (or some sort of history maker one way or the other. . .). I'm so proud of him! His teachers like him and he's only been to the principle's office twice. I think he's going to pass kindergarten with flying colors - not bad for a kid who spent a few years being watched from 9 to 5 by the church ladies funded by his working moms hard-earned paycheck.

I have so much to say about my little son, our life together and the 'art' of single parenting. Matthew's a funny little boy and always makes for interesting conversation. I think I want to use my new blog to talk about all things single parent - the fun stuff, the not so fun stuff, the lonely times, the longing and the triumphant. I'm thankful for my friend Kevin for suggesting I use this outlet, even more grateful that he verbally kicked me in the rear to get started already. I've enjoyed writing for you tonight - dear reader and I hope you'll come back to check on us often!


  1. Hurray for you! I would like to know the names and address of the 2 jackass men who bashed the single mom. Most of us these days are single parents. Society has made it far too easy to walk away from family and obligations, and move on to the next instant gratification. I am proud of my cousin, Jonna, for taking on the role of single mother and doing such a fine job.

  2. Bravo on your writing and this particular subject. My sister raised 2 girls practically by herself and now is raising 2 grand kids alone at the age of 54. All the while putting her life, her health, and much more on hold. It's what she wants and I respect that. I know the importance of family being there for our children. This is one subject I need to write a book on myself being me and my twin sis were thrown to the curb literally when we were just 2 years old. God and family intervened so at 2 1/2 we were adopted by biological Aunt and Uncle. Your job as a single parent carries much positive elements than this personality guy ever has probably thought of...little does he know without having walked in those shoes? So it would be easy to make rude comments and gestures to the like. Once again thanks for your is good therapy and has kept me sane many days... God Bless
