Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I See You Lookin' At Me... Don't Worry, I Won't Eat It All

Admit it. You've been at the Golden Corral - or any other 'all you can eat' buffet - saw a really overweight person roll up to the food bar and thought to yourself "Don't eat it all!" or something along those lines. I'll admit it - I've done exactly that - and I'm sure I did it just to feel better about being there myself. But I don't do it for long. While being at the Golden Corral I'll start to notice some disapproving eyes on me as I grab a plate and make my way into the line. I have actually seen looks of disgust on peoples faces glancing in my direction for doing the same thing they're doing at that time - having some dinner. Well no worries, Skinny Minnie, there's enough Macaroni and Cheese to go around. The Golden Corral is prepared for people like me.

I heard a comedian (and I'm sorry, I don't remember who it was) recently say "a fat girl's 4 favorite words are "all you can eat!" and the crowd laughed. I didn't think it was funny - but for whatever the reason we overweight people are a big butt of jokes (Ba-Dum-Bum!). I guess the point is that socially, it seems to be ok to poke a little fun at the expense of the fat folks of the world - especially if they have the nerve to show up at the China King Buffet on crablegs night. Fair game? It shouldn't be. We eat our pasta salad the same way less large people do - one bite at a time. There's nothing funny about that.

It's not everyone, I know there's plenty of non-judgemental people in the world. But if you're one of the ones who can't help but wonder how that big gal has the audacity to line up at the dessert bar please try to mind your glaring stare. Put yourself into their wide shoes for a minute and imagine if everyone studied whatever was on your plate (or in your purse, or in your bathroom or in your 'secret closet'). Matthew 7:1, which says "Judge not, lest ye be judged" comes to mind. But it's even more than that. Since you too are standing with a plate in hand at the all you can eat buffet, Romans 2:3 says "Do you suppose, O man, you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself - that you will escape the judgement of God?" Remember that as you cast your stones! (You might also want to remember that I once was skinny too. Fat can happen to the best of us - even you!)

1 comment:

  1. So true my friend...Judging others (and it is almost always in a negative way) It robs us of opportunities to build relationships with healthy, loving, intelligent people. We have a choice and I believe it is possible for us to override these biases if we consciously choose to do so. It takes effort, but this is what separates humans from other animals. We can choose our behavior. We do not have to react without choice to our tendencies. Keep those blogs are amazing......
