Friday, May 24, 2013


From President Obama's speech yesterday:

"Journalists should not be at legal risk for doing their jobs.  Our focus must be on those who break the law.  I have raised these issues with the attorney general, who shares my concern.  So he has agreed to review existing DOJ guidelines governing investigations that involve reporters, and will convene a group of media organizations to hear their concerns as part of that review.  And I have directed the attorney general to report back to me by July 12th."

Our president must think we're all stupid.  The Attorney General (Eric Holder) is the one who signed the paper full of accusations and inflammatory nonsense that accused a man of being a SPY and putting National Security at risk, asking the judge to for-go the usual process in order to have access to the Fox Reporter's records.

When he investigates himself and then reports back to the president - what is he going to say?  Do you think for a minute he'll say - "Geez Mr. President, Barry, my old buddy, I was wrong and I committed a crime".  Nope.  Not very likely.  He can't say "I didn't know about that" (like he did with the AP Phone Records Grab) because he himself SIGNED the paper.  If the president does not demand a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION (at the least the resignation of) his old pal Eric Holder then I contend the "REAL" conspiracy is not the Fox News Reporter but this whole administration.

First was the Benghazi cover up.  So as not to hurt his chances in the election, Obama not only downplayed the obvious act of terrorism, he outright lied when he said the attack was the result of some stupid You Tube Video.  Why would he do that?  Because he was in the middle of a campaign - a CLOSE campaign - saying that because "he" got rid of Bin Laden that we're all safer from terrorism and Al-Qaeda is all but gone.  He said that exact same thing to a group of people on a campaign stop in Las Vegas the very next day after Al-Qaeda supporters stormed our Embassy, killed our ambassador to Libya - and paraded his dead body around long enough for pictures to be taken of him slung over a man's shoulder.

4 Americans died as someone from our Government gave orders to stand down.  Then the State Department - Hilary Clinton and her pawns - LIED, LIED, LIED so much so they changed the talking points for the Obama Administration's mouth piece to go in front of the national media and LIE to the American People and BLAME AN AMERICAN FOR MAKING AN UGLY VIDEO ABOUT MUHAMMAD.  By the way... we all now no that it had nothing to do with any video protest - but the video maker is STILL IN JAIL.  Thank you Government!  May I have another?!  And Victoria Newland - the highest person (so far) who most likely changed the talking points - instead of being fired - is getting a promotion.  Assistant Secretary of State.  That is not even logical.

Then the IRS targeting right-leaning groups, dare I say HARASSING groups with words like "Tea Party" or "patriot" in their names.  Even auditing religious organizations like The Billy Graham Evangelical Association and Samaritan's Purse according to Franklin Graham himself.  Why?  So as not to hurt his chances in the election, this department under his watch - intimidated, targeted, harassed, asking for donor information and THEN targeting the donors and their companies, slowing up their process, costing them money for legal fees to fight off accusations and protect their organizations and businesses.  This was done in hopes that these "Anybody But Obama Supporters" would be silenced and just go away.  Unfortunately, it worked for some.  Fortunately many of them have come forward, shining a light on this BLATANT wielding of Government Power influencing the election.

And now this same department - the IRS - will be in charge of the Nation's Healthcare Program.  I sure hope they don't decide who gets treatment (instead of say, tax exempt status) based on who they voted for.

Then this trampling of the 1st amendment right to the press and CRIMINAL MISCONDUCT of the Department of Justice.  What's that about?  So as not to hurt his chances in the election, the Associated Press (the supposed 'standard' of the Press) was asked by this administration to hold off on running a story about a terror plot that was interrupted by our military.  And the AP obliged.  The government wanted to be the one to "announce this great terrorist take down - and dictate the information that got out there.  And the government grabbed the phone records of more than 100 phone lines and tried to find out how they were 'scooped'.

Once that got out - it was just a matter of time before others got out as well.  It was discovered that Fox News was a target of the Department of Justice, and one reporter in particular being labeled a criminal and a spy.  And there was grave threat to National Security in the case against the Fox reporter.  It was story about North Korea and it's idiot stick leader Kim Jung Un's reaction to sanctions.  He was mad.  Well, he's always mad.

So far not one meaningful person has been held accountable for any of these things.  THIS IS NUTS!  How can FREE AMERICA look the other way when even our election is marred in controversy?  When our freedoms and privacy is being infringed on by an power-drunk, too big, big brother government determined to keep us all under its rule.

We the People are NOT at the mercy of our US Government.  The Government works for us.  WE are/at least should be the BOSS.  Do not stand idly by and let this administration - or any administration - shred our Constitution and throw the pieces in our face.  Be heard.  Demand answers.  DEMAND THE TRUTH.  And DEMAND that those responsible (and the buck stops with Obama) be held accountable.

There is a "There there", Mr. President.  And we will find it.  And you will be held accountable.  Your legacy will be one filled with lies, crimes, over reaching, power hungry distain for this Great Nation of ours.  Good Luck with that.