Sunday, January 16, 2011

Personal Little Rainbows

RAINBOW (noun): An arc or circle that exhibits in concentric bands the colors of the spectrum and that is formed opposite the sun by the refraction and reflection of the sun's rays in raindrops, spray or mist. That's what the Merriam-Websters Dictionary says about Rainbows. I'm sure it makes a lot of sense to a scientist who understands the difference in refraction and reflection but not so much to me. All I know about any of that is that I know one when I see one.

Much ado has been made about rainbows. It's a part of politics with it's Rainbow Coalition, it's a part of NASCAR with it's Rainbow Warriors, it's a symbol of pride and acceptance for some and it's even a "magically delicious" marshmallow in a box of Frosted Lucky Charms. Most famously, I guess, the Rainbow is the gateway to a place where troubles melt like lemon drops and happy little blue birds fly. When I was kid even Kermit the Frog sang a song called "The Rainbow Connection" on the Muppet Show. It was one of my favorite songs then and still remains in my top 10 of all time favorites! I even have the record on my jukebox. (Yes, I'm that old...)

Besides all of that, what is a rainbow really? As a Christian I believe exactly what the Bible tells me about a rainbow. Genesis 9:13-16 says "I have set my rainbow in the clouds; and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." To put it simply (if I may be so bold) it's God's promise to every single being on earth - creatures included - that He will never again destroy the world by flooding waters. So when I see a rainbow in the sky firstly I thank the Lord that there will be no earth-destroying floods today but I think how awesome it is to be seeing with my own eyes a miracle - a message from God himself right over my head! No need to find the end of it for some mythical pot of gold - the gold is the thing itself! It's not what Merriam Webster said at all but a God-spoken light of beauty right before my very eyes!!

The other day while working I was saying prayers in my mind about all sorts of things. I do that all the time - good days and bad, thankful or needy, I take it all to God. Then I happened to look around me and noticed at that particular moment in time I was surrounded by little rainbows glowing on the counters and walls and even one spilling onto the floor. Now, those little rainbows may have been more of what Mr. Webster described ever so scientifically as concentric bands brought on by the refraction of the sun's rays - or in this case the beveled edges of our windows as the sun shined through them. But for me in that moment I decided that it was God, hearing my prayers and sending me my personal little rainbows as a reminder of His promise to never flood me with the waters of life. It's a nice thought, I thought, and maybe one you might remember as you're building your own arc to brave the rapids of your life. The next time you catch a rainbow in the mist of your kitchen sink sprayer take comfort in God's promise to YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Jonna you have lived a life of Rainbows! You have been blanketed with love from a family that was an amazing gift. Fun, loving, caring parents that were "Toot" guiding light! My prayer for you is that God comforts you in this time of loss and you are reassured that one day, you will reunite with that family of Rainbows in a much lovelier place than earth!
