Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Crazy What Google Will Get Ya

Last night I was tooling around in Google and ran across some rantings by some crazy Atheist (I'm assuming) comfortable posting something called "God Is Imaginary - 50 Simple Proofs". I read a few of the '50 proofs', mainly because I was curious to hear the opinions from the "other side". The guy (or lady, not sure which) made a few points. And I can see why at times it's so hard for some people to wrap their minds around God the "concept". If you've never been to church, never read the Bible, never heard of God (from a Christian point of view) the story itself might sound a little unreal, magical or fantasy-like. And what we as Christians hold dear as the "Word of God" to some is just an old book written by man and without any significant meaning. But for me, that's where faith comes in. (And the writer even said..."by now you're saying - 'but that's where faith comes in'".) Well, yes. Faith indeed. Faith and if the Holy Spirit comes over you there's nothing you can do to stop it! I don't think in a full-on theological debate that I could go toe to toe with that writer. (Although I know people who could). He seemed studied, intellegent and passionate about his beliefs. All I know for sure is that I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW. I believe that the Bible really is the Word of God - and I believe that it's 100% true! I believe that because John 3:16 told me so that because I believed in God's one and only begotten Son that I will not perish but will have eternal life. And I have unwaivering faith that God will do exactly what He said He would do. Would that be enough of an answer for that highly educated yet in my opinion sorely mistaken knucklehead? Probably not. Is it enough for me? YES!

I think it's a shame that someone could Google "God" and run across that kind of article. But I am a fan of free-speech and freedom of the press (although "press" is a stretch). I can't have it both ways. I certainly don't intend for my blog posts to lead you to some blatent non-believer's website... but I brought it up for specifically Proof #9, "Understand Ambiguity". In regards to answered prayers, the writer says, "All scientific evidence clearly indicates that it is, in fact, a coincidence. Whenever we do a scientific experiment on the efficacy of prayer, the data shows no effect from prayer. Scientific evidence indicates that "answered prayers" really are coincidences every single time." To that I say "What?"

Keeping these next few blog posts in line with my surviving unemployment, this past summer in particular, I prayed and God answered every, single time. He may not have blessed me with a financial windfall or a winning lottery ticket may not have blown up on my doorstep from a mysterious wind but rest assured, my prayers were answered. My needs were met. Things lined up in my life in such a way that there was no mistaking God at work. I can see it as clearly as I'm sitting here right now. It wasn't a coincidence that 4 years ago I moved into this neighborhood that I'm living now, met a TBC church member that lived a few doors down who was burdened to invite my son and me to her church. After weeks and months of urging, I finally made it to church and it happened at just the right time in my life. A few weeks earlier and I wouldn't have been all that opened to the whispers of the Holy Spirit.

"As luck would have it", shortly before that, I had just been in the hospital with Pneumonia. My neighbor brought me up to her Sunday School class and they prayed for me. I didn't know about it at the time. All I know was that on a Sunday I was in the hospital feeling like I was dying, getting fluids and breathing treatments and the next day I felt fine and was able to start work at a new job. The following Sunday I landed - through a random series of circumstances - at Tuckaseege Baptist Church. A lady came up to me to welcome me, she introduced herself and I told her my name. She said "We prayed for you last Sunday. You had pneumonia and needed to get well to start a new job". I was a little befuddled. How did this lady know any of that, and moreso, why did they pray for me? But nevermind all of that! I was prayed for and seemingly healed! "Well it worked!", I responded. And then the warm and fuzzies washed over me, chills, blessed assurance, Holy Spirit ... whatever you want to call it. It was that feeling you get when you know that you know! I don't know of any "Scientific Experiment" that I could use to test that answered prayer... nor do I need to. Before that weekend no one was praying for me. And I certainly wasn't praying for myself. After that week and ever since I've been a "Prayer Warrior", praying for myself, the needs of others and taking all kinds of requests to God. And dare I say they've all been answered. Maybe not as I'd hoped or expected but rest assured, they were all answered. I'm no expert, but I'm certain that my prayers have been answered.

Everything above this sentence I wrote earlier today. I think I got off course a little. The more I drove around running errands thinking about what to write next the more this Athiest Writer was getting on my nerves. Not because he doesn't have the right to believe whatever he wants to believe, and even spout it to whoever will listen. But he was arrogant, scientific and cold. I feel sorry for the guy ... and I'm compelled to pray for him even though he might fault me for that. But other than that I don't want to give anymore of my space to that guy. He'll have to stand before God one day and explain himself. And he will bow before God and confess that Christ is Lord. I hope he gets it before that day.

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