Thursday, March 22, 2012

It's What Jesus Looks Like

My grandmother had a big, framed picture of Jesus. You may have seen a copy of it, as it's a pretty popular print. Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane. He's kneeling on a rock, hands together and looking up to the dark sky. He's dressed in a blue, flowing robe. His head is circled in a glowing halo as a beam of light breaks through the omnious clouds and shines upon his chiseled, handsome face. He has light brown, long wavy hair, fair skin and a beard.

The backgrounds may all be different but that version of Jesus is pretty iconic. Most people can see a picture of the face of Jesus and identify Him right away. Yep. That's a picture of Jesus. I'd recognize that face anywhere. All fair-haired, fair-skinned, green or blue-eyed Jesus. I'm not so sure where that depiction of Jesus first came from. Let's face it, there were no cameras snapping candid pictures of him or artist renditions of the Savior 2000 years ago. There's no physical description of Jesus as the Son of Man in the Bible. He was a Jewish Carpenter from the middle east. I don't mean to be all stereo-typical but when I think of Middle-eastern Jew, flowing, light brown hair and green eyes rarely comes to mind. Truth is, no one really knows. But I think over these last couple of weeks that I've been walking alongside my mom on her journey to life-everlasting I've seen him! So let me finally set the record straight... I know what Jesus looks like!

Jesus looks like a little Nurse's Assistant named Jackie. A tiny little black lady, older and sweet who shuffled when she walked. Dressed in a green nurse dress, white stockings and orthopedic shoes, Nurse Jackie did her job on the overnight shift quietly and respectful of my mother who was trying to sleep. Nurse Jackie preached the gospel without saying a word. She thanked me when she walked out the door and I never saw her again.

Jesus looks a little like a silver, miniature Schnauzer named Molly. Molly was a physical therapy dog, perfectly behaved and as sweet as could be. Molly was happy to be there, pranced around the bed and over to my chair. She sat at my feet and looked up at me with eager eyes, leaned against my leg and comforted me.

I learned that Jesus smells a lot like Secret Deodorant and a bag full of girly products brought over by a sweet friend. I never knew how much your armpits smelling like flowers could make a difference in one's perspective. He's in the form of socks, snacks and vending machine money. I found Him in a pink gift bag.

Jesus feels like a hug and some warm hands in my prayer circle. I heard His sweet words as His precious children prayed for my mother's health and for my well-being. He soothed me through their actions, loved me with His Truth. He hugged me with their arms. He enveloped me in a shroud of his protection when the prayer circle enclosed me in love.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" ~ Matthew 7:7

We had a bad night. That night was so bad that I got on my knees at the foot of her bed and begged Jesus to take my mama home. Either lead her to the place of no more sickness and pain or send us some relief here on earth. And then, Jesus showed up.

He looked like a young lady with shoulder-length, brown hair and little, square glasses. Her name was Tatum and she was the nurse for that days' shift. She listened to me and she cared for my mother. She said she was there to help us and she did. She gently cared for my mother, bringing her some much needed relief and she soothed my worried soul. She oozed compassion and she was the vessel used to pour out His mercy on us.

Jesus looks a lot like a sprawling, one level building out in Huntersville. There are rock columns holding up the porte cochere, brick and stucco walls and large glass and oak framed windows. The streets are lined with blooming Bradford Pear Trees and the grounds are carpeted in the lushest green grass. There are flowers, gardens, sitting areas, beautiful plants, bird feeders and porch swings. And the doorway is flanked by massive Rosemerry Bushes. The smell is unforgettable. He's the Hospice House in Huntersville and He invited us in. He's filled with wonderful staff and volunteers working for nothing but to bring comfort and rest to people coming to the end of their lives journeys. The people do their jobs with a God-inspired mission in mind, loving their patients with Jesus' heart and in the spirit of love. By day the halls are filled with beautiful music and sweet and caring voices and by night the lighting is soft and it's purposefully quiet. They want to make sure their guests can rest. The touches are gentle, the care is kind. I haven't seen it yet but I imagine once my mother runs into the arms of her savior the aftercare will be full of respect and dignity.

Jesus looks a lot like a prayer shawl. He's multi-colored strands of yarn knitted together in love by a sweet group of church ladies. They prayed over the small blanket and delivered it to Hospice House to lay over the feet of my mom. He's soft and warm and he blanketed me in peace the first night we were here.

Jesus tastes a lot like a chicken salad from Panera Bread brought to my family from the ladies at my work. He's a card signed by everyone who cares about us. He's a vase full of Tulips. He's our friends and family who have been here from day one and He's my beloved church family who has taken care of everything and anything we may have needed. He's a kind soul who planted flowers in my empty flower pots, He's a stranger that cleaned the outside of my house, He's my cousin who cleaned the inside of my house. He's my neighbors who have taken care of my son or cut my grass. He's the kids who came in to feed my cats. He's come in phone calls and emails and letters. He's been here from the beginning and He'll be here at the end. He's everywhere you look, every corner, every crevice. You can't miss Him.

And finally, Jesus looks a lot like a preacher with a faux hawk in his hair and Chuck Taylor Shoes. He's prayed for us, visited us and encouraged us with the Words God would have us hear. Even more than that, I heard Him on the phone with my son explaining to him about Heaven and more importantly how to get there. I saw Him sitting on the floor today with my sweet son, playing card tricks and loving on him, telling him that either way his Nana was going to be ok. It turns out Jesus looks nothing like His pictures.

My mom has been asleep most of this last two weeks and didn't get to see Jesus the way I did. I'm happy for her that she will soon be laying her eyes on His glorious face! Until then, let me thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for "Being Jesus", just as you were called to do. We love you and because of you we are ok. May God bless you this day and everyday and I hope that at some time you'll be able to see a little Jesus in me.


  1. I've seen Jesus in you since the first time I met you. Fantastic post, thank you for sharing.

  2. Chills, Tears, Goosebumps, Jonna, what a gift you have. I know Cedar Management is a FABULOUS place for you, but while you work there you MUST pursue this gift of writing, somewhere, somehow. I can see everything you wrote so clearly in my mind. Mrs. Streetman would be OH SO IMPRESSED! =) Love you girl!

  3. Wow! I had tears rolling down my cheeks and goosebumps up and down my arms and spine! You are one inspirational woman that touch more lives without knowing. Thank YOU Jonna Bingham for for being Jesus to so many people!

  4. You do paint a picture so bright and clear. You are talented no doubt. God is good all the time.
