Sunday, January 6, 2013

I Got Baptised Today!

So, I was sitting in the church service this morning, minding my own business, when all of a sudden I jumped up from my pew and got myself baptised. I'll admit it wasn't the first time something like this has happened. But I'm certain it was the first time it happened directly after being overcome by the Holy Spirit!!

The first time I was baptised I was 15 years old. I was a sophmore at a small Christian School and we were on a beach trip that Spring. During one of the nightly times of fellowship Pastor Ray did the altar call. I remember becoming emotional and right there in front of all my teenaged friends I "accepted Christ as my Savior". Nothing was stopping me from getting baptised - there wasn't even time to think about it. Pastor Ray and I walked down into the ocean water, illuminated by an amazingly bright, full moon and he sent me under the waves. When I came up ... the only way I can describe how I felt was ... "Wet". And that was all. And then I went on about my business, living my life in a way that definitely did not reflect a "new creation" in Christ. Not that there was ever actual salvation as a result of going under the water - but even in its symbolism, I never felt like that one 'stuck' or even counted.

Fast-forward 25 or so years. There's been a lot of crazy-living between that spur-of-the-moment dunking and this day but I survived despite myself! It took awhile but I found my way to a Baptist church that I fit right into. I joined a Sunday School Class, became a member of the church, became an alto in the choir and started volunteering for our local mission projects. And of course, like any good Baptist would, I learned how to make an assortment of casseroles and crock pot food. For the most part - if the doors were open I was there. If there was a function - I didn't miss it. I knew Christ as my Savior and my Christianity was maturing by the day. I was finally living the life that more reflected Christ in me. The only thing I was disappointed about was that my Baptism had already been done - and it didn't mean anything to me then as it surely would now. I thought about it and thought about it over the last couple of years. I almost did it when my son was baptised but figured it was his day and I had already had my turn.

Our church recently went through a major renovation. We had to move out of there and meet somewhere else for 6 weeks. Over that six weeks time 10 different people had accepted Christ and decided to be baptised! So today was the day! The church was packed and you could feel that something special was coming up. The pastor walked down into the water and one after another our Christian brothers and sisters were symbolically washing their sins away in the beautifully renovated baptismal. A few teenagers, my friend's little boy, a lady from my Sunday School class and finally the little son of our Worship Pastor and the Pastor's little girl. It was so emotional and exciting that I'm sure no one in the building had a dry eye. It was beautiful and an awesome way to start the new year and in our beautiful new sanctuary!

It could have been over right then and we all could have walked away feeling happy and blessed for being a witness to a great morning. But then the pastor started bringing his message. He talked, I smiled, laughed, listened to him closely and I heard him loud and clear. It started to become apparent to me that I wasn't hearing what Pastor Jason would have me hear but what the Holy Spirit was pressing into me. At first he said "The water is still warm and I'll go right back up there if you need to go!" And then he said "Maybe you were young when you were baptised before and a lot has happened between then and now. Maybe you want to recommit yourself. The water is still in there!" He explained the act of baptism and why it was important. I put my hand up to my heart, I was breathing heavily and I was all but overcome with emotion. He recited Acts 8:36 saying, "And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?” Then he said "NOTHING!" I believe he reiterated one more time that the water was still in there. My friend Jodi turned and looked at me, I said "I'm going" and she jumped up, grabbed my hands and said "OK!"

By then the Holy Spirit had completely consummed me. I was shaking uncontrollably, my teeth even chattered. I practically floated up the stairs to the next floor, kicked off my shoes and stood at the top of the stairs leading down into the cleansing water that awaited me. I stood in the stairway, raised my hands and praised God for convicting me in such away. He made it perfectly clear that I had to get in that water. That old me had to die under that water and I wasn't leaving that building without getting wet! Pastor Jason made his way back into the baptismal and called me down the stairs. I walked into the pool, church clothes and all. I felt every inch of the cool water as it raised higher and higher on me. It was as supernatural as it could be, feeling years of sin floating away from my body. I might as well have been in the middle of the River Jordan with John the Baptist himself. I was transported to a place that I've never been and my decision to be there wasn't mine at all. My actions this day were driven by my love for my precious Savior and the Holy Spirit convinced me to act on that love. Amazing Love was pounding in my chest and my whole body trembled. The pastor covered my face with a cloth, I held my breath and I was plunged under the water. It felt like slow motion and I could literally see sin, despair, grief, anxiety, worry, fear and eternal damnation peel off of me, layer by layer, and fall to the bottom of the pool. Pastor raised me up and I was washed clean!! Not just "all wet" but cleansed, renewed, Born Again! I finally felt like that "new creation" that I had been told I was. I've had a strange feeling on my skin all day, like the feeling you have when you get out of a really hot shower. And I'm exhausted. You don't encounter the Holy Spirit and walk away feeling no different.

This day was perfect. Any day that you hear God speaking to you is a great day!! I love my church, the people and the pastors. I love our mission for God's church to Go and Tell and Love others in our Actions. Pastor probably doesn't even realize how much I depend on his shepherding and his teaching. God does know though - and it was God who directed my path to take me through the doors of TBC. He knew this day was coming! It has always been God's intention to baptise me there, on this day and in front of those people. Praise God for his perfect plan! And praise Him for his cleansing power! I am redeemed - I've been redeemed for a long time. But today everyone else knows it too!

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